The Sound Board


20 Songs to Kickstart Your 2018 Resolutions

With a new year comes new resolutions. If you need a little extra motivation to accomplish your goals, here’s a playlist that will get you pumped for the new year. Add these upbeat songs to your 2018 playlist and feel better by going on a run, hike, bike, or get out of your comfort zone and hit the gym. Find your daily dose of physical activity and make it a routine. Whether you like to take short jogs at the park, take laps around the pool, or enjoy hot yoga, make it a habit to workout for 30 minutes a day and you’ll feel better in so many ways. This year I’d like to focus on scheduling a weekly cycling class and get back into tennis.

My motivation to get in shape this year is to feel better about myself, inside and out. Exercising helps me relieve stress and anxiety and I’ve noticed the last half of 2017, I got into a funk where I stopped my daily workout. I lost some muscles, arms and leg strength but this year I’m looking forward to getting back into shape. I’ve already started to exercise my mind by meditating and trying to get into 2018 with the right mindset. It’s going to be my year to work on feeling healthier and stronger. Let’s kick into gear with some music that will get you started on a nice run. Cheers to a new year and healthier you!

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